Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Eyebrow Magic - For Blondes and Redheads

Having fair coloring and being of the strawberry blonde persuasion has lead to an easy life in regard to hair removal. Thankfully, I do not have to shave my legs often, worry about furry arms or make multiple waxing appointments every month to have hair ripped from its cozy follicles. However, this comes with certain drawbacks, mainly, invisible hair that looks best visible: eyebrows and eyelashes.

For a couple of decades, I walked around with completely invisible eyebrows until I had the idea to dye my strawberry blonde hair a dark brunette. Once that was done, the lack of eyebrows was ridiculously prominent and my stylist threw some dye on them as well. Voila! What a difference it made...kind of...they were brown but very fine, though a nice coat of brown mascara remedied that. A few months later I decided that the brown was not flattering and I went back to my natural hair color, but kept the brown eyebrows...awkward! 

I tried many different options - some powder fillers, eyeliners, more dying - but none of the options filled them out, colored the existing brows and color matched. Finally, I found this, a miracle in a tube! It fills in the sparseness, matches my natural hair color, and put color on the actual hairs instead of being a layer under the glowing white hairs in light. The best part is, I can put it on in a general swipe and refine the shape with a damp Q-tip to get perfect arches. This also helps as a guide to pluck away all the unnecessary "invisible" hairs that catch the sunlight.

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