Friday, January 4, 2013

Nail Polishes: The Length of my Obsession

If I was down to ten dollars with a week yet til pay day and no food in the house, I would likely spend $8 on a new nail polish and the remaining $2 on ramen...aaaaand be perfectly content with that decision. I'm not quite sure what it is, but with all the polish I have I still feel a burning need to acquire more; this shade but with a touch more red or this shade with a little more grey - less purple - no sparkles - more muted....and on and on and so fourth. The worst part is, these options are out there! The colors that you seek and more keep coming every season. There are new colors and trends, but then you also use up all your classics and favorites and need to replenish.  It is truly an endless cycle. I decided to put my love to the test and measure out my nail polish basket. This basket is where I store all of my nail care items and polishes. Whenever it is too full, I force myself to purge and share or toss to make room for the new additions. If I did not have this measuring tool, my habit would easily double and triple and I would likely die of a heart attack from the over does of sodium on a ramen diet!

Here she is...for reference this table is 8' long:

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