Saturday, January 5, 2013

How To: Cuff a Sleeve

Being tall definitely comes with many advantages, however finding clothes with long enough sleeve and pant length isn't one of them. Some manufacturers have started coming out with Tall lines for women, but they seem to think that not only are our arms and legs longer, but so are our crotches and armpits?!? Oddly enough, when I do happen to find a shirt with freak sleeves long enough for my arms it feels so weird that I just roll them up, anyway. 

So, with years of sleeve rolling practice this is my tried and true way of getting the best results from a cuff. It holds firmly and looks a little mussed up and carefree, to boot! Bonus: if your inner cuff is a different color or pattern, this cuff helps display it instead of hiding it like most typical rolling does.

  1. Start with your sleeve pulled straight down. No, that isn't a 3/4 sleeve shirt! That's just where most sleeves hit - above my wrist. 
  2. Next, flip the sleeve inside out and pull the base of the shirt cuff to just below your elbow.
  3. Finally flip the bottom edge up to about halfway across the exposed inner shirt cuff, and give it a little tszujs, VOILA!
This cuff works great under sweater as well and gives the cuff a little substance and decorative flair.

*Disclaimer, no shirts were ironed for the making of this blog post.

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