Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Birthday Foxes

Fox Blouse Detail
Today is my birthday and I share it with my twin sister. We are full-on identical twins, which is awesome; we both feel bad for people that don't have twins because we can't imagine life without each other. Happy Birthday, Terrie, I love you and think you are the best! This year I have received some fox-themed birthday gifts and wishes, but my absolute favorite came from my absolute favorite twin sister. It is a pretty sweet fox blouse that I've had my eye on. I had my husband take a few pictures for me to share because my look today showcases the majority of my blog posts so far in action while highlighting my foxy gift.

Fall Essentials in Action: Boots and Blazer

Hair Tip: Day 2 of Waves and Dry Shampoo

In case you want a fox blouse of your own:
Super Cute Fox Blouse!

I also woke up to this little guy on a handmade card from my husband:

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